Wednesday, March 25, 2009

It will be different this time. Right, you guys?

Over the years I've compared my involvement with writing, specifically Journalism, to a lot of things: A marriage, an addiction, a sickness...Yeah, none of them were particularly flattering metaphors.

But, you guys, I think I've nailed it. For me, journalism is what I'd imagine a slightly abusive relationship to be like.

(Disclaimer: I'm not trying to make light of domestic violence and stuff. So, you know, don't get angry about that.)

Journalism and I got together when I was really young. I was still in high school the first time one of my stories was published in a non-school publication. Wow. What can I say? I was smitten.

During college we kept it pretty quiet. I took a lot of classes that were supposed to teach me how to be a better journalist. And, of course, when I needed a few extra bucks, Journalism was there with open wallet.

It wasn't until after college that things went south. Initially, I was really excited. Finally, Journalism and I could be together all the time. I was an excited kid, full of plans and hopes and dreams for our future together.

Soon those good vibes were replaced with 12-hours days, buy-outs, an empty bank account and illnesses I didn't have time to see a doctor about. I started thinking I had made a mistake. Maybe Journalism and I weren't meant to be. I'd think about switching careers.

"Who else will have you?" Journalism would shoot back.

"Journalism's right," I'd tell myself. "I don't really have any other skills and I hate waking up before 10 a.m."

I tried a few different news outlets. At each new job, things would initially be great, like the beginning of a new relationship. There'd be a positive balance in my checking account and sometimes I'd even have time for lunch. Soon, of course, Journalism would get angry again and things would deteriorate.

One day, I decided I'd had enough.

"Journalism, I'm leaving you," I said as I stuffed the last of my possession into my car.

"Yeah, ok. How are you going to pay your bills?"

Shit! Journalism was right. I'd have to depend on him just a little longer so that I could pay my bills until something better came along.

Three months have gone by and something did, in fact, come along. It's a reporting job but things will be different this time, right?


  1. So true. Although I'm dating New Media now. He's not abusive but he definitely has his flaws - he has all sorts of ideas, but has no idea how to make money.

  2. Yeah, New Media is like my stoner friend who is pretty cool, but totally useless.
